2013 is here, and what better to do on a rainy Winter day than coordinate your year with the 2013 DF Show Schedule? Clinic dates will be added as the season progresses; please keep an eye out for updates. Of course, the listed shows are not set in stone, so we would love to hear what you would like to do. Let us know what your 2013 goals are, so that we make sure to help you achieve them by going to the right qualifiers!
Jan 19-20 Pippa Funnell Clinic @ Galway
Jan 26-27 Hawley Bennett Clinic @ DF
Feb 2-3 Galway Downs Horse Trials BN-OI
Feb 15-17 Fresno Horse Trials Intro-OP
March 1-3 Twin Rivers Horse Trails BN-A
March 15-17 3 Day Ranch Intro-AI (only if really needed!)
March 23-24 Hawley Bennett @ DF
March 28-31 Galway Downs International Horse Trials N-A, CIC*, CIC**, CIC***
April 10-14 Twin Rivers International Three Day BN-A, CCI*, CCI**, CIC***
April 24-28 Rolex Three Day Event (possible attendance)
April 26-28 Fresno Horse Trials Intro-OP, FEH (if not at Rolex)
May 8-12 Jersey Fresh International Three Day CIC**, CIC***, CCI**, CCI***
May 10-12 Galway Downs Horse Trials BN-I, YEH (if not at Jersey Fresh)
May 24-26 Woodside Horse Trials BN-A, Preliminary Challenge
June 8-9 Copper Meadows Horse Trials BN-OI (only if really needed!)
June 19-22 Far West Regional Morgan Horse Show
July 24-28 Rebecca Farm International Three Day N-OI, T3D, FEH, YEH, CIC*, CIC***, CCI*, CCI**
Aug 9-11 Woodside Horse Trials BN-A, YEH
Aug 14-17 Morgan Medallion Regional Horse Show
Sept 6-8 Copper Meadows Horse Trials BN-OI (only if really needed!)
Sept 18-22 Twin Rivers Horse Trials BN-A, Training Challenge, YEH Championship
Oct 4-6 Woodside International Horse Trials BN-A, CIC*, CIC**, CIC***
Oct 12-19 World Championship Morgan Horse Show
Oct 31-Nov 3 Galway Downs International Three Day N-OP, T3D, CCI*, CCI**, CCI***
Nov 15-17 Fresno Horse Trials Intro-OP